Meet the Team

Education BBA in Business, The University of Michigan Dietetics, New York University Dietetic Internship, Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC MS Candidate in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine

BBA in Business, The University of Michigan
Dietetics, New York University
Dietetic Internship, Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC
MS in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine

Diana Orchant, MS, RDN, CDN
Founder & Functional Nutritionist

Welcome! I am a virtual Functional Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and I’ve always been passionate about using food as medicine to help individuals feel their best. 

My journey to a career in nutrition began at a young age, as I struggled with chronic gastrointestinal issues and cystic acne; during my Freshman year of college alone, I took 10 different antibiotics. After years of uncertainty, I took control of my well-being by adopting a healthier lifestyle and a diet rich in nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods. I filled my shelves with nutrition books and learned that eating better meant swapping pseudo-health foods for whole foods in their most natural state. With these changes and learnings, my symptoms rapidly disappeared, yet when I looked around me, I saw so many others struggling with the same issues that I was, and the fire within me was ignited. 

After graduation, I moved to New York City and worked in product development at American Express. On evenings and weekends, I began recipe-testing, started a dedicated meditation practice, and became a certified health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. which ultimately led me to shift my career to nutrition, so I could have an impact on others’ lives. 

I am passionate about helping others find their healthiest, most vibrant lives to not only mitigate but prevent disease and discomfort. I understand what it feels like having no energy, running on empty, and grabbing that third cup of coffee to get through the day. I understand what it feels like to struggle with hormonal imbalances and stubborn acne. I understand what it’s like to be tempted by snacks in your home and at work, only to suffer from digestive distress in the evening. I’ve been there.

I’ve worked with an array of clients in a variety of settings including clinical acute care, community organizations, functional medicine clinics, and wellness centers. Through these experiences, I’ve learned that each individual is unique and have found a range of ways to partner with them to get to the root cause of their distress. I focus on real, whole foods and simple changes that will result in life-long changes. I dive into the science of nutrition, sleep, energy, physical activity, hormones, medical history, as well as diagnostic lab testing. I craft individualized plans that provide clients with life-long knowledge, centered on what works for their lifestyles.

BS in Biology, Villanova University
MS in Clinical Nutrition, New York University
Dietetic Internship, Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC
Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP)

Casey Rand, MS, RDN, CDN, IFNCP
Functional Nutritionist

Recognizing that just because a symptom is common doesn’t mean it’s normal became a pivotal realization for me.

I struggled with extreme fatigue, constant bloating, heavy periods, persistent sinus infections, and acne for years before I acknowledged that my health was suffering — because these things were normal, right? After trying numerous band-aid approaches with no long-term relief in sight, I reached a breaking point toward the end of college. I turned to a nutrition course as a last resort. This decision, rooted in my studies as a Biology major on a pre-medicine track, sparked a passion for healing through food.

While changing my diet laid the groundwork for my well-being, it was functional nutrition that provided the key to understanding the root causes of my symptoms. By uncovering the underlying nutrient and system imbalances I had been living with, I learned to heal holistically from within. My symptoms improved dramatically, and I felt like myself again!

Witnessing profound improvements in my own health has motivated me to empower others with personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, enabling them to regain control over their health, too. Having experienced the overwhelm of unrealistic health approaches, I prioritize getting to know my clients and addressing the whole person, not just their symptoms. Together, we create sustainable changes tailored to meet individual goals and optimize health outcomes.

BA in Communication, Wake Forest University
MS in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine

Ziba Klein, MS, CNS-C
Functional Nutritionist & Social Media Director

Born and raised in NYC, I was used to working and pushing my limits in order to get the job done. It felt foreign to slow down, and I put my health on the back burner until my symptoms became impossible to ignore. I understand how it feels to be stuck in a cycle stressing over mystery symptoms, unable to pinpoint triggers, and hearing doctors tell you that everything looks normal. This cycle led me down a harmful path of food restrictions and rules without proper guidance or understanding. Through personalized nutrition and functional medicine, I was finally able to take a step back, understand the root cause of my symptoms, and heal my relationship with food and self in a sustainable way. This journey helped me feel in control of my body and navigate food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Lyme, SIBO, and IBS-m.

My own health journey inspired me to go back to school to get a master’s in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. I am dedicated in finding the root cause of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms. Whether you are experiencing hard-to-solve gut issues, food sensitivities, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, or just looking to optimize your health and mind, I will help you meet your unique needs through a sustainable, personalized approach that actually works. Our diet can have such a major impact on energy, mood, sleep, and so much more. I am passionate about optimizing your health in a safe manner by finding the foods that support your preferences, lifestyle, and biology. 

I believe everyone should feel empowered to build healthier, sustainable habits that help them reach their personal goals and feel their best self. I am devoted towards optimizing my clients’ health with foods that nourish their body and mind.